Sunday, 4 March 2007

Nervous? ///Nerveux?

My nephew Erik is playing in a semi-final game this morning for his minor hockey team. They have won all of their round-robin games so today's match is crucial. Erik was telling me that he's feeling nervous about the game. We both agreed that the butterflies in his stomach are quite normal and that they will disappear as soon as the game begins.

///Mon neveu Erik joue dans un match de demi-finale ce matin pour son équipe de hockey mineur. Ils ont gagné tous les matchs de la ronde préliminaire donc le match d'aujourd'hui est crucial. Erik me disait qu'il se sent nerveux à propos du match. Nous nous somems entendus pour dire que c'est tout à fait normal d'avoir des papillons dans son ventre, et qu'ils disparaîtront aussitôt que le match commencera.


Anonymous said...

Did he win?

Hockey Amor said...

Erik's team was playing in the semi-finals of their league Sunday morning. They lost, and then lost the consolation match later in the afternoon to finish fourth. Erik says that it was all good, that they gave their best and that he had fun.

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