Wednesday 13 June 2007

Memories Posts To Come ///Des souvenirs referont surface

As of June 22nd, I’ll be away from this blog for my wedding and honeymoon. But fear not! Thanks to a colleague who will help me out, there will be a regular posting of my first “Memories” series, which takes a look back at my childhood hockey memories. Happy reading.

///À partir du 22 juin, je serai indisponible pour ce blogue étant donné mon marriage et ma lune de mile. Mais, ne craignez pas! Grâce à une collègue qui m’appuiera, il y aura des billets réguliers portant sur le thème « Souvenirs », qui jète un coup d’œil à mes souvenirs d’enfance reliés au hockey que j’aime tant. Bonne lecture.


Anonymous said...

I'd rather read memories like the time I had to sleep in the car because of the smell in the camp after you drank too much...

Hockey Amor said...

No comment.

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