Tuesday 12 June 2007

Skipping Hockey ///Manquer des matchs de hockey

Among my passions, there is hockey but also love, the real Amor. As my June 23 wedding date approaches, I can even feel joy when missing hockey (as I did yesterday) because I'm doing it for a higher reason.

And on top of that, my beloved sees how hockey helps make me as happy as she does, and supports me in my relentless pursuit of Hockey Amor.

///Parmi les choses qui me passionnent, en plus du hockey, il y a le véritable Amor. Alors que ma date de mariage du 23 juin approche, je réussis même à ressentir de la joie quand je manque mon hockey (comme cela a été le cas hier) pour une raison d'amour.

En plus de cela, ma bien-aimée voit à quel point le hockey me rend aussi heureux qu'elle le fait, et m'appuie dans ma quête quotidienne du Hockey Amor.


Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how we wish we could be there!!! It just won't be possible. It is really upsetting to us as we really want to see you guys. Hopefully we can go and visit you at your camp in Cash Bay or if you are still renting that cabin we could visit you there when we visit Rockland Wonderland this summer.

Hockey Amor said...

Hey no probs man, I understand. let me know when you get to rockland.

wolfeyes said...

J'espère que Marino te rend plus heureux que le hockey quand même :)

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